Site News
Web Site Update Version 2.0 Details
06/03/12 15:30

To start off I, DMaster the admin of the site and one of the leaders of the clan have been working on this Big Update for quite some time now, about sense last Nov. if I can remember correctly. In the beginning of working on the update I just had some hopes and dreams about somethings I always wanted to do with the site, for instance.
I just a few months ago thought I’d never be able to figure out how to make a Forum to put on the site, but after many times failing to get it working I eventually learned how to make one. I also had a few other ideas for some new pages like our new Events page and remaking our TMFD Gear Store, I did not think I’d ever figure out how to do them but I did as you can see.
So, below you’ll see a list of all the big and small additions and changes that have happened to the site over the past few months.
- First thing you’ll notice is the updated Navigation Bar at the top, it now has more buttons and looks a bit nicer being a little brighter red.
- Next you’ll mostly notice the brand new banner slider for promoting stuff and showing everyone new things.
- In the sidebar on the Home page you’ll notice a new poll to let everyone know what you think of the new update, and there’s new feedback buttons as well.
- We have added a new site footer on the bottom of every page now to make the site look more official.
- Our Members List page has been completely re-made to help support an increase in new members being added to the site, and there are now new profile buttons as well.
- New profile images were made for all of the Leaders on their profile pages showing off their official clan leaders shirts, also new music players were added to each leaders profile and Elite members profiles to add controls to pause their background songs and to be more compatible for mobile devices.
- Check out all our new social network sites added in the, Media > Social Links > Menu in the nav. bar.
- You might not know about our new Clan Rewards Program, if not get all the details on the new Clan Rewards page.
- A bunch of New Movie’s have been added to the “Members Exclusive Content” Movies page.
- A Brand New Gear Store has been added, previously known as TMFD Gear, now our Gear page has Categories with tons of new products to buy and it’s now much easier to find just what you're looking for.
- Our New page called Events Calendar in the nav. bar is our new events page for anyone to see all our upcoming giveaways, clan matches, clan meet up’s and a place to see what and when the clan is playing any specific game at the time.
- Last but definitely not least, the biggest thing is our New Official Clan Forums. Included with fully functional registration, many different posting boards to talk to other clan members about a variety of different things, and your vary own forum profile.
One More Thing: Their Might be an Official TMFD Clan iPhone and Android App Coming in the future!
I do say “Might Be One” if all go’s well, we’ll be shore to let you all know more detail soon in the future.
BTW: Please do leave us a comment letting us know what you think of the site update.
Web Site Mini Update
25/05/11 07:30
In this blog post we just wanted to let everyone know about some new things and changes that have happened to the web site.
We wanted to let everyone know of these small changes and additions of the site because, while browsing the site from time to time that you do, you might not notice some of the small things that get changed or when new things get added over time.
So from now on and every few months we will be putting out a small blog post called a “Mini Update” to tell everyone about new Features, Additions and changes that have been made on the web site over the past few months or so.
Here is a list of the changes and additions in this first Mini Update that happened today.
- We added a New Page for all of our current and all of our upcoming Youtube Videos, which you can see above in the Navigation Bar. You can get to it quickly by just Clicking Here, and we also at the same time had to put Our Social Links button under the TMFD Video’s button in the navigation bar.
- Secondly, we added a new set of Banners to our Downloads Page. The new banners are not just for personal use but also for people to be able to use the new banners on other web site’s and forums to help promote the clan.
- Also some new buttons you’ll see in the right side of the home page gives you an easy new way to give us some feedback about the web site, or if members need to give there feedback, and just a general feedback page for anyone to give the clan feedback on just about anything.
- Another thing is that all of our Leaders and Members profile pages have gotten a little bit of a new look. Mostly with the Social Links and the Contact Me links, we added small social buttons next to the links to spice up all of the profile pages a bit, among some small other tweaks to the profiles them selves.
- In addition to the updated profile pages we have had many new members join the clan recently that you might not know yet so go to our Members List and check them out. Also some new and current members now have TMFD Site Profile Pages like. One of our Leaders Tiebirious, and other members like Lunchboxtwinkie, Chang1701, and ELITExBOXER93.
- Last thing is one of our Leaders Forsaken just got a Personal Photo’s Gallery added to his Profile Page so if you care to see them go and check em’ out.
One More Thing: An “Events Page” is coming in the future! With Contests and Giveaways!
Web App - Something you probably don't know about the site
16/04/11 15:00

All you need to do is, 1. Open the Safari browser, by default is located at the bottom of any Home Screen. 2. Just put “” in the address bar to go to the same site you see on your computer. 3. Tap the button in the middle at the bottom of Safari (The one that has the arrow pointing right) Now tap “Add to Home Screen”. 4. Enter TMFD Clan and then tap Add in the top right corner to add our web site to your Home Screen.
Now you should have a Web App on your Home Screen with the Icon you see above and it saying “TMFD Clan”. So now when ever you want to go to our site you can just tap on the App on your Home Screen and you don’t have to go to Safari everytime and enter the web site name.
So we hope everyone can enjoy going to our site and will use this to visit our site now more often. And to keep up on all that TMFD is doing.
Why we have a donation button on our site (Updated)
15/03/11 14:15
This is just a small explanation of why we are taking donations on are site.
Just so everyone that comes to our clan site understands why we our asking for donations on our site I wanted to take a minute to tell everyone. The main reason is that the four main leaders and all of our members of the clan are regular people just like everyone else out there, yes some of us do have jobs but still cannot always afford to go out and buy the coolest new game thats out at the time. We all do have families and some of us do even have kids to care for.
So for all the members of the clan and anyone else that reads this if you care to support a cool new Social Clan or for us to be able to play all the newest Games, Map Packs, or other Add-Ons with everyone, Please take a second and just donate Anything you can to help the development of the site and for all of the members of the clan. But mainly to just help fund the development of the clan and its future as a hole, so that we can continue to grow bigger and bigger.
The process of launching the official site
15/03/11 13:15
This blog post explains the process of what it took to make the site and what I went through to get it launched.
A few months back in 2010 I DMaster started developing the web site. To make the entire site I have used an application for the Mac called “Rapid Weaver” from Real Mac Software. Plus a few plug-ins from other developers and help from some other applications on the mac like “Taco HTML Editor”, “Transmit”, and “ImageWell” ect.
In the beginning of developing the site I started using a pretty cool theme that used Ajax that I purchased for the site and loved it but sadly the theme started giving me some problems and I was not getting any help from the developer of the theme to fix the problems, so I had to hunt for a new one witch that alone took awhile to do because I wanted to find just the right theme that worked the best for how I wanted the site to look.
So after finding the new theme I immediately started working on the site again and from there on the site really began to come together. Until a few months later I ran into my next and my biggest issue with trying to understand and get the secured pages on the leaders page to work. I ended up going back and forth in e-mails with the developers of the plug-in I am using for it and after a few weeks I finally got it to work.
Besides a few problems along the way I really did learn some new things about what it takes to develop a web site and had allot of fun while making it to. While it might not look like there is much on the site it still does take awhile to do everything and just doing a small thing can take longer then you would think it does.
Now after reading all that I hope everyone that has been waiting patiently for the official site to launch can understand just a little bit of what I went through to get to where the site is today.