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Tiebirious's Profile

This is where you'll find all you need to know about Jay (Tiebirious)

Stacks Image 644
Stacks Image 556

Basic Info & Favorite Things

Name: Jason Danner
Birthday: March. 12, 1982
Hometown: Spokane, WA. (Currently in Elk WA.)
Favorite Colors: Blue
Favorite Music: Avett Brothers
Favorite Movie: Enemy Mine
Favorite TV Show: Star Trek Series & Firefly
Favorite Food: Chinese Food
Favorite Video Game: Ascendancy on PC (Currently) Fallout New Vegas & COD: Black Ops
Favorite Video Game Type: FPS & RPG
Favorite Quote: Einstein's definition of Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.


Hey there everyone thanks for checkin my page, I go by Tiebirious25 as a gamertag have been known to answer to Jay, Tie, Tiebirious for the most part... other names have been tried but never stuck (most of them were made out of anger I believe lol). Oh, and whatever Manbearpig's mom wants to call me too!
Right now I live in Elk, Wa. I was raised in the city but I grew up here in the sticks, I have come to believe that I have different mentality than most. I am located on the eastern side of the state so we don't get as much rain as Seattle does, interestingly enough a movie was made near here, and the location was passed off as Arizona! But the areal that I live in is pretty remote from most civilization, I do get cell service but unfortunately not a great connection at times. But I try not to have that hinder my playtime! 
Now a little more about myself, I have 2 children, my daughter is 4 and my son is 2. They are awesome and are basically put before anything else in my life... that does include video games. I would hope that any other fathers out there feel the same way. I am usually playing during the evening time (pacific time), I am kind of a night owl at times so I will be on until 1 or so during the week and a little later during the weekends sometimes. 
My type of play style for FPS is more of a slow and steady, I rely heavily upon the incompetence of others. I like to surprise people around corners and I strike at the last second. The cool kill to me is better than the number of kills. Quality vs Quantity. I like to be well versed in a variety of weapons and I don't rely heavily on just one weapon, which means if I kill you in one spot, its highly likely I will kill you again but, with your own weapon to add insult to injury. I change tactics and play style in game depending on the other team but I try to stick with what works.
Words of Wisdom: Know your battlefield. Know your strengths, recognize your weaknesses. Know your teammates, know their strengths recognize their weaknesses. Every failure is one step toward success!

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